Saturday, April 12, 2008

I dream of Double B's

I dreamt of you last night. A lot. I dreamt that you were torn. That you wanted to run to me, and you did run to me. You came and we talked. We talked a lot. We were so happy to be in each others presence. We were so happy being together. Nothing sexual, no tension, no weirdness, just pure comfort and love. But you were vacillating, coming to me then going away and then back again. What is going on with you? How are you? Can I get more than a weather update? I felt such warmth when I woke up from our interaction in my dream world that I wish you were here. I wish we were hanging out again. And while I am so at peace with how we ended up, I still think of you and now dream of you.

Are you vacillating? Make sure you are happy. Please, be sure.

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