Monday, November 5, 2007

The final table time

As of right now, I am having my final table time with Gaz and Maz. When we started tabletime on Thursday this table was completely clean and clear of all clutter. And can see how it has ended, and it's even worse now than when I took this photo.

A weekend filled with good food, great shopping, talk therapy, and writing therapy does a person good. The weekend ended with a great devotional at our good friend Holly's home and this quote is the most impactful one I have read in a long time:

"God has given man a heart and a heart must have some attachment. We have proved that nothing is completely worthy of our heart's devotion save reality, for all else is destined to perish. Therefore the heart is never at rest and never finds real joy and happiness until it attaches itself to the eternal."

Attaching myself to the real reality is difficult, as it is not tangable nor is it very present in my life right now. I need to find it again. But where do I start?

To my girls: Thank you for a wonderful weekend. There is nothing more sad than the thought of leaving your ever-presence tomorrow morning. I have purchased more things since the last time we purchased things together. I have had eaten more food that I actually like this weekend than the last time we were eating our way from the East over to the West side of Nashville. I have slept less hours than I would ever normally not sleep in a weekend. I have laughed harder than I have since the last time we laughed hard. I have enjoyed my days with you more than I enjoy any other days in my life. All my love, Jaz